Performance of graduates of the Program

PPGQMMM is positioned as a pioneer program in the Amazon region, being the second in the area in Brazil. It appears amidst a context of great biodiversity and potential for the development of products for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, contributing to investments in the region and, consequently, bringing more life prospects for the local population. However, it is necessary to consciously explore these natural resources, promoting actions that guarantee sustainability. The professionals qualified by the Program will receive knowledge for work in the area of ​​Medicinal Chemistry, with training for the planning and development of bioactive molecules through molecular modeling. In addition to being able to exercise higher education, the graduate of PPGQMMM may also work in public and private agencies in the health segment and in drug companies. He is also qualified to work in the field of research and product development in the pharmaceutical and medication industries, he may also act as a business consultant and entrepreneurial micro-entrepreneur in the creation of private research laboratories.


Interaction with other institutions

The Program seeks to meet an immediate demand from professors and technicians from the institutes that make up the proposal, as well as professors from courses at other institutions, such as the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA), Pará State University (UEPA), Centro University of Pará (CESUPA), University of the Amazon (UNAMA), Institute of Higher Studies of the Amazon (IESAM), School of the Amazon (ESAMAZ), Integrated College Brazil Amazon (FIBRA), Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC), Federal University of West of Pará (UFOPA), Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (UNIFESSPA), Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA), as well as students and institutions from other states in the North, Northeast and Central- west.